Create a database

  1. Navigate to Database on the left sidebar.
  2. Click on Add Database.

<div class="alert alert-warning"> You'll need to assign a user to database get this thing working. </div>

Create a database user

  1. Enter in the username you wish to use. It should actually be something that is not too easy to guess, meaning you should add a capital letter, followed by some lowercases, a number and a symbol.
  2. Use our password generator to ensure your absolute and guaranteed protection with the recommendation of a 32 random character password. You can set this lower or higher if you prefer. 
  3. Afterward, click Add Database User on the tab menu.
  4. You can click it and assign the user to the database. Adding mydbuser1 as the user to the database.

Once added, the database will show a primary user attached to it.


To add a system user to a database, click on the ellipses (3 dots) and scroll down to click Assign User.

You can also revoke a user from the database: